BACKGROUND: Osteoma is a benign bone tumor with an incidence rate of about 1% of primary bone tumors. Osteoma of the nasal bone is a rare case and the rate of recurrence reported in the literature after surgery is about 10%. Osteoma most often occurs in young people in the second and third decades, mostly in men. Osteoma can be treated surgically with an external approach or with an endoscopic approach. The surgical technique with an incision technique open rhinoplasty with transcolumella incision extensions is effective, because it can minimize surgical scars post-operative and correct the esthetic problems.
CASE REPORT: Reported a case of a 11-year-old boy with chief complaint a lump on the right side of the nose that enlarged slowly in the last 2 months and diagnosed with suspected as nasal bone osteoma based on physical examination and CT Scan. Patient was performed management with tumor resection with columella approach technique and give the good result because can minimizes surgical scars postoperative. On the results of histopathological examination after operation were nasal bone osteoma.
CONCLUSION: Osteoma of the nasal bone is a very rare benign bone tumor. One of the surgical techniques that can be performed in cases of nasal bone osteoma is tumor resection with columella approach. Although the case of nasal bone osteoma has a very rare recurrence; in this case, the recurrence occurred 4 months after tumor resection.