This paper presents the implementation of a single-phase solid-state transformer (SST) for the interface between a 13.2 kV medium voltage alternative current (MVAC) network and a 750 V bipolar DC distribution. The SST has ten cascaded subunits in consideration of the device rating and modulation index (MI). Each subunit consists of an AC/DC stage and a DC/DC stage with a high frequency isolated transformer (HFIT). The AC/DC stage consists of cascaded H-bridges (CHBs) to cope with the MVAC. The DC/DC stage employs a triple active bridge (TAB) converter for bipolar DC distribution. Topology analysis and controller design for this specific structure are discussed. In addition, the insulation of HFIT used in DC/DC converters is also discussed. A simple balancing controller at the AC/DC stage and a current sharing controller at the DC/DC stage are used to prevent DC-link voltage unbalance caused by the cascaded structure. The discussions are validated using a 150 kW single-phase 21-level SST prototype at the laboratory level.Electronics 2018, 7, 62 2 of 19 gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) packages for high-voltage and low-current application, and Ref.[12] presented a 3.3 kV 300 kVA back-to-back three-phase SST prototype for universal and flexible power management. In Ref.[13], a 15 kV 1.2 MVA single-phase SST prototype was designed for a railway grid. These prototypes have different structures depending on the purpose of use. In other words, the SST prototypes were designed to be suitable for specific applications.This paper introduces a single-phase 150 kW prototype of an SST for the connection between a 13.2 kV MVAC grid and a bipolar 750 V DC distribution system. This SST prototype consists of an AC/DC stage and a DC/DC stage. The AC/DC stage employs the CHB rectifiers and is responsible for power factor control, voltage regulation, and the voltage balancing of DC-links. The DC/DC stage employs a specially designed TAB converter for connecting to the bipolar DC distribution system. In addition, it is responsible for voltage control, and current sharing in parallel-connected outputs. This paper also discusses the insulation of the HFIT used in the TAB converter.The rest of this paper is organized as follows: the overall structure of the SST system used in this paper is briefly introduced in Section 2. Section 3 provides the details about the controller of AC/DC stage for the voltage balancing of DC-links. In Section 4, the DC/DC stage is analyzed including the characteristics of the topology, modeling, and controller design. In Section 5, the HFIT design for high-voltage insulation is discussed. The simulations and experimental results using a 150 kW SST prototype are presented in Sections 6 and 7, respectively. Finally, the conclusions are provided in Section 8.