How to handle uncertainty in medical diagnosis is an open issue. In this paper, a new decision making methodology based on Z-numbers is presented. Firstly, the experts' opinions are represented by Z-numbers. Z-number is an ordered pair of fuzzy numbers denoted as Z = (A, B). Then, a new method for ranking fuzzy numbers is proposed. And based on the proposed fuzzy number ranking method, a novel method is presented to transform the Z-numbers into Basic Probability Assignment (BPA). As a result, the information from different sources is combined by the Dempster' combination rule. The final decision making is more reasonable due to the advantage of information fusion. Finally, two experiments, risk analysis and medical diagnosis, are illustrated to show the efficiency of the proposed methodology. 2 Dong Wu et al.Keywords Medical diagnosis · Z-numbers · Fuzzy numbers · Decision making · Dempster-Shafer evidence theory · Ranking Z-numbers · Risk assessment 1 IntroductionWith the development of society, a lot of harmful substances have affected human health, which leads to a high probability of human diseases. Therefore, medical diagnosis [39] is particularly important. However, there is still a serious lack of effective methods in addressing medical diagnostic problems. As a result, how to realize effectively medical diagnosis is still an open issue.Medical diagnosis belongs to the application of computers in decisionmaking and artificial intelligence. Up to now, the study on medical diagnosis has been done by many scholars [39,18,11,33]. In 2016, Kathryn Z [24] examined the relationship between Opioid Use Disorder diagnosis, PTSD diagnosis with NMOU, and average monthly frequency of NMOU. Woolard et al.[42] introduced a retrospective study to show the extent of compliance with perioperative guidelines in patients. In [1], the recent development of mobile detection instruments used for medical diagnosis was reviewed. The features of GGT in patients that improve diagnosis efficiency were tried to unravel in [34]. However, these methods above do not take into account fuzzy concept and uncertainties of medicine. In fact, due to the own characteristics of medicine [28,5,13], more fuzzy concept and more uncertainties, some mathematics methods, which have the ability to deal with the fuzzy and uncertain information, are needed for solving medical diagnosis problems. Recently, fuzzy mathematics [46] and Dempster-Shafer (DS) evidence theory [37,12,16,39] are widely applied in medical diagnosis, since they could reasonably model uncertainty and fuzzy information and describe them. Wang et al.[39] adopted fuzzy soft sets based on ambiguity measure and Dempster-Shafer evidence theory, and the method was applied in medical diagnosis. Recently, a theoretical model [27] has been created to calculate the probabilities of hypothetical patients having designated diseases. And then based on the theoretical model, a fuzzy probabilistic method was presented to estimate the probability of a patient having a certain disease. In [29], an a...