The rules of the genetic code are established in reactions that aminoacylate tRNAs with specific amino acids. Ambiguity in the code is prevented by editing activities whereby incorrect aminoacylations are cleared by specialized hydrolytic reactions of aminoacyl tRNA synthetases. Whereas editing reactions have long been known, their significance for cell viability is still poorly understood. Here we investigated in vitro and in vivo four different mutations in the center for editing that diminish the proofreading activity of valyl-tRNA synthetase (ValRS). The four mutant enzymes were shown to differ quantitatively in the severity of the defect in their ability to clear mischarged tRNA in vitro. Strikingly, in the presence of excess concentrations of ␣-aminobutyrate, one of the amino acids that is misactivated by ValRS, growth of bacterial strains bearing these mutant alleles is arrested. The concentration of misactivated amino acid required for growth arrest correlates inversely in a rank order with the degree of the editing defect seen in vitro. Thus, cell viability depends directly on the suppression of genetic code ambiguity by these specific editing reactions and is finely tuned to any perturbation of these reactions.Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (AARSs) 1 catalyze the attachment of amino acids to their cognate tRNAs to establish the genetic code. To obtain the high degree of accuracy that is observed in translation, these enzymes must exhibit strict substrate specificity for their cognate amino acids and tRNAs. Recognition of tRNA by AARSs is facilitated by both positive and negative identity elements contained within the RNA structure that ensure binding to the proper enzyme (1-3). To select the correct amino acid AARSs must discriminate between all standard and nonstandard amino acids that are available in the cell, many of which are structurally similar. (Special amino acids such as formylmethionine (4) and selenocysteine (5) are formed after the amino acid recognition step and are created by special postaminoacylation reactions.) Discrimination is primarily achieved by preferential binding of cognate amino acids to the correct active site and by exclusion of larger substrates (6, 7). For several synthetases, including valyl-tRNA synthetase (ValRS) and isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (IleRS), the affinity difference between the cognate amino acid and sterically similar amino acids is not sufficient to prevent errors in protein synthesis on the order of 0.5-1% (8 -10), far greater than observed in vivo (ϳ0.0001%) (11). To avoid errors, the enzymes evolved proofreading mechanisms that are tRNAdependent (12-15). The combination of substrate selection and tRNA-dependent editing provides the low error rate observed in protein synthesis.ValRS catalyzes specific aminoacylation of tRNA Val in a reaction initiated by the binding of valine at the active site where it is condensed with ATP to form valyl adenylate (Val-AMP). The activated amino acid is subsequently transferred to the 3Ј-end of tRNAVal to generate Val-tRNA V...