Copper vapor pulse laser radiation has a wide application in molecular iodine monitoring in atmosphere [1][2][3][4]. Back scattering Fluorecense, vibrational Raman and Differential Absorption lidar equtions computer simulation for iodine molecules and copper vapour and eximer lasers have been made to compare these lidar systems possibilities for studied molecules monitoring in atmosphere. Background stray sunlight power were calculated to determine the minimum molecules concentration at ranging distance up to 5 km.
LASER PARAMETERSCopper vapour pulse laser can be taken in wide application for molecular iodine lidar monitoring in atmosphere [1][2][3][4]. Peak power value of 130 kW at 5 10.6 nm wavelengh and second harmonic in UV spectrum at 289. 1 nm wavelengh power of 75 mW at first harmonic power of 1 W (conversion efficiency is 7.5 %) have been reported in [5]. Thus it can be achivied laser pulses durations of 10 ns with repetition rate up to 20 kHz at 5 10,6 mn, 255.3 nm (second harmonic), 578.2 mn, 289. 1 nm (second harmonic) and 271.2 nm (sum frequency) with peak power of 130, 9, 150, 1 1 and 10 kW. Above this, N pusles integration regime applying to lidar signal recording allowes to have range distance as at effective power is equal to P N'2 [51.The results for XeCl eximer laser which was widely used in lidars and gives pulses with energy upto 0.1 J, duration of 10 ns at 308 nm wavelengh and repetition rate to 50 Hz [6] were demonstrated comparing with other laser results.
FLUORESCENCE LIDAR EQUATIONFluorescense lidar 12 molecules monitoring with such a laser has been described in [1,2]. Back scattering Fluorescense lidar eqution computer simulation for 127 12 molecules with lasers of such a parameters is of interest to choose laser wavelength for iodine molecules minimal concentration detection.Fluorescense lidar equation was taken as in [2]. Studied iodine molecules maximum fluorescense band wavelength were choosen 589,5 mn, differencial fluorescense cross section at this wavelength -6.1 1022 cm2/str, fluorescense decay factor -i0, , fluorescense time decay 1000 ns in accordance to [6].