Given a reflection group G acting on a complex vector space V , a reflection map is the composition of an embedding X → V with the quotient map V → C p of G. We show how these maps, which can highly singular, may be studied in terms of the group action. We give obstructions to A-stability and A-finiteness of reflection maps and produce, in the unobstructed cases, infinite families of finitely determined map-germs of any corank. We relate these maps to conjectures of Lê, Mond and Ruas.with f 0 = f . Un unfolding F is called A-trivial if it is A-equivalent to id C r ×f as an unfolding (that is, A-equivalent via unfoldings of the identity maps on (C n , S) and (C p , 0)).Since no equivalence relation other than A-equivalence is used and we do not study global stability, here local A-stability is just called stability.