In order to determine auscultatory and electrocardiographic characteristics of Crioulo horses, one hundred animals ranging between one and twenty-six years of age (21 stallions, nine geldings, 27 pregnant mares e 43 not pregnant mares) were evaluated. The cardiac auscultation was performed during the clinical examination of the cardiovascular system, evaluating frequency, rate, normal and abnormal heart sounds (heart murmurs). The electrocardiographic examination followed the bipolar base-apex derivative system with animals at rest, by using an ECG-PC TEB equipment. The cardiac frequency, heart rate, morphology, duration, wave and complex amplitudes and interval durations were determined. The results were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey tests with an error probability of 5%. The cardiac auscultation revealed presence of functional systolic and diastolic murmur (10.00%) and systolic murmur compatible with tricuspid regurgitation besides normal heart sounds S 1 (100.0%), S 2 (100.0%), S 3 (19.0%) and S 4 (34.0%). The cardiac frequency obtained the average of 43.64 bpm, observing significative differences in relation to sexual and age factors and training level. The sinus rhythm was the most frequent (57.00%), followed by sinus tachycardia (38.00%) and sinus arrhythmia (5.00%), being observed rhythm disturbances in 16% of tracings. The P and T waves were observed more frequently in their forms P bifida positive (95.00%) and biphasic T (91.00%), being variable at tracing. There were also observed Q waves in 12.00% of the tracings. Thus, it was concluded that the auscultatory characteristics of Crioulo horses are according to the described in the literature for the species and the sexual factor, category, age factor and training level can influence some electrocardiographic parameters. dos 100 animais (21 garanhões, nove machos castrados, 27 fêmeas prenhes e 43 fêmeas vazias) com idades entre um e 26 anos. A auscultação cardíaca foi realizada junto ao exame clínico do sistema cardiovascular, avaliando-se frequência, ritmo e sons cardíacos normais e anormais (sopros). O exame eletrocardiográfico seguiu o sistema de derivação bipolar base-ápice, com os animais em repouso, utilizando-se um aparelho ECG-PC TEB. Foram determinadas a frequência (FC) e ritmo cardíaco, morfologia, duração e amplitude de ondas e complexos e duração de intervalos. Os resultados foram submetidos ao teste ANOVA e teste Tukey com probabilidade de erro de 5%. A auscultação cardíaca evidenciou além dos sons cardí-acos normais S 1 (100,0%), S 2 (100,0%), S 3 (19,0%) e S 4 (34,0%), presença de sopro funcional sistólico e diastólico