“…Our observation highlights the link between acute-onset choreodystonia and paraneoplastic origin and will hopefully aid in recognition of this unusual syndrome. Maryline Carneiro, MD, 1 Carla Fernandez, MD, 3 Didier Garbi, MD, 4 Lo茂c Mace, MD, PhD, 5 Mathieu Milh, MD, PhD, 6 Sophie Guillaumont, MD, 2 Bernard Echenne, MD, 1 J er么 me Honnorat, MD, PhD, 7,8,9 Agathe Roubertie, MD, PhD* Centre de R ef erence Maladie Rare ''Syndromes Neurologiques Paran eoplasiques,'' Bron, France; 10 INSERM U1051, Institut des Neurosciences de Montpellier, Montpellier, France though he had presented with frequent falls, subtle behavioral changes, and general fatigue since his late 20s. His family history was unremarkable, except for the death of his twin brother soon after birth from unknown causes.…”