Abstract-Paraoxonase, a high density lipoprotein-associated human serum enzyme, plays a role in atherosclerosis by protecting against lipid peroxidation. Its activity is modulated by 2 common amino acid polymorphisms at positions 192 (Gln3 Arg) and 55 (Met3 Leu) in the paraoxonase gene (PON1 [3][4][5] The mechanism of this protective effect may involve paraoxonase, an HDL-associated enzyme capable of hydrolyzing lipid peroxides. 6 -8 Human serum paraoxonase is a 44-kDa Ca 2ϩ -dependent glycoprotein. It remains exclusively associated with apoA-I on HDL through a hydrophobic region at its amino terminus. 9,10 Paraoxonase may lower the risk of vascular disease by destroying proinflammatory molecules formed by the oxidation of LDL. 6,11 For example, purified paraoxonase blocks the proinflammatory effect of oxidized LDL in a vascular cell culture system, probably by destroying oxidized arachidonic acid derivatives in the Sn-2 position of LDL phospholipids. 8 There is a 10-to 40-fold variability in the activity of the enzyme among individuals 9 that is influenced, in part, by differences in susceptibility to organophosphate poisoning. 12,13 This interindividual variability in activity has been attributed to 2 polymorphisms in the coding region of the paraoxonase gene (PON1) 14,15 : a Gln3 Arg substitution at position 192 (PON1 192Arg ) and a Met3 Leu substitution at position 55 (PON1 55Leu ). 9 The PON1 192 and PON1 55 polymorphisms are common in white and Asian populations, which show frequencies of between 0.30 and 0.59 for the PON1 192Arg allele 16 -25 and between 0.27 and 0.91 for the PON1 55Leu allele. 21,24,26 Paraoxonase 192Arg is associated with various levels of activity toward nonphysiological substrates. 9,27,28 Paraoxonase 192Arg hydrolyzes paraoxon faster, and diazoxon slower, than 192Gln does, yet the 2 alloenzymes show no difference in activity toward other substrates, such as phenylacetate. Most important, the ability of HDL to protect LDL from lipid peroxidation in vitro is significantly reduced in HDL particles containing paraoxonase 192Arg rather than 192Gln. 29,30 Carriers of the PON1 55 allele show an increased activity toward paraoxon that is independent of the PON1 192Arg allele effect. 26,31 Several studies have shown a positive association between the PON1 192Arg allele and coronary disease, 16,20,22,24,32,33 and several other studies have shown no association, [17][18][19]23,25 including 1 study of the PON1 55 polymorphism. 21 Only 2 studies with a small sample size 21,34 have evaluated the PON1 192 and the PON1 55 polymorphisms simultaneously. In