The aim of this study was to describe a range of methods used in stuttering therapy for desensitizing parents of children who stutter (CWS).
This clinical tutorial will first briefly explore the rationale and benefit of including parents of CWS of all ages in the therapy process. The construct of desensitization will be defined, and a description will be given of how traditionally it has been incorporated into therapy with adults who stutter and CWS. Research evidence will be presented about the impact of a child's stuttering on parents. The article will then focus on clinical methods for desensitizing parents of CWS using examples of activities conducted in group and individual therapy with parents at the Michael Palin Centre in London with reference to desired outcomes, how to measure them, and how to address potential pitfalls.
Desensitization activities can be implemented with parents of CWS to help them recognize and manage their emotional reactions to their child's stuttering, to support parents to feel knowledgeable and confident in managing their child's stuttering, and ultimately to enhance the child's progress in therapy.