We develop the recently proposed analytical R-matrix (ARM) method to encompass strong field ionization by circularly polarized fields, for atoms with arbitrary binding potentials. Through the ARM method, the effect of the core potential can now be included consistently both during and after ionization. We find that Coulomb effects modify the ionization dynamics in several ways, including modification of (i) the ionization times, (ii) the initial conditions for the electron continuum dynamics, (iii) the "tunneling angle," at which the electron "enters" the barrier, and (iv) the electron drift momentum. We derive analytical expressions for the Coulomb-corrected ionization times, initial velocities, momentum shifts, and ionization rates in circularly polarized fields, for arbitrary angular momentum of the initial state. We also analyze how nonadiabatic Coulomb effects modify (i) the calibration of the attoclock in the angular streaking method and (ii) the ratio of ionization rates from p − and p + orbitals, predicted by I. Barth and O. Smirnova [Phys. Rev. A 84, 063415 (2011)] for short-range potentials.