In recent years, two protein-tyrosine kinase activities, phosphorylating tyrosine residues on the transmembrane band-3 protein, have been isolated from human erythrocyte membranes and partially characterized by different laboratories, i. e. one extracted by non-ionic detergent (Triton X-100 or Nonidet P-40), the other solubilized by 0.25 M NaCl from the detergent-insoluble residue.The present paper shows that these two membrane-associated Tyr-protein kinases purified, in the presence of bovine serum albumin, by phosphocellulose chromatography followed by heparin-Sepharose chromatography, have the same apparent molecular mass (36 kDa) determined by Ultrogel Ac44 filtration. Moreover, both Tyrprotein kinases exhibit several identical properties, including K , values for band 3, the random acidic copolymer poly(Glu,Tyr)4, and angiotensin 11, pH dependence, response to MnZ+ and Mg2+, response to NaCl and 2,3-bisp hosphoglycerate.All these properties are identical or very similar to those exhibited by the Tyr-protein kinase previously isolated by us from human erythrocyte cytosol.These results suggest that the two membrane-associated and the cytosolic Tyr-protein kinase activities are mediated by the same enzyme, distributed between the cytosol and the membrane structures.Most Tyr-protein kinases described to date have been found to be associated with the plasma membrane of mammalian tissues. In the past few years, two Tyr-protein kinases phosphorylating the transmembrane band-3 protein have been isolated and partially characterized from human erythrocyte membranes, i.e. one extracted from native ghosts by nonionic detergent [l] and the other from the detergent-insoluble residue by 0.25 M NaCl [2-41. More recently, a Tyr-protein kinase capable of phosphorylating band-3 protein has been isolated by our laboratory [5] from cytosol (hemolysate supernatant). The interrelationship between cytosolic and membranous Tyr-kinases remained to be established.This prompted us to investigate whether, in human erythrocytes, the cytosolic and membranous Tyr-protein kinase activities arc catalyzed by the same or by distinct enzymes, taking into account that in other blood cells (such as platelets [6] and bone marrow erythroid cells [7]), the cytosolic and membranous Tyr-protein kinase activities have been suggested to be catalyzed by unrelated enzymes.The present paper shows that, in human erythrocytes, both membranous Tyr-kinase activities solubilized by nonionic detergent or by 0.25 M NaCl share several physicochemical and catalytic properties with the cytosolic Tyrprotein kinase, thus suggesting that they are mediated byCorrerpondmce to V. Moret,