Tyrosine-protein kinase, phosphorylating tyrosine residues of transmembrane band 3 protein, has been partially purified from human erythrocyte cytosol by DEAE-Sepharose chromatography followed by heparinSepharose chromatography.Such a Tyr-protein kinase (36 kDa), as distinct from the Ser/Thre-protein kinases (casein kinase S and TS), appears to display a broader site specificity than does the previously described human erythrocyte P-Tyr-protein phosphatase, dephosphorylating band 3 protein. That is, it is able to phosphorylate not only the highly acidic copolymer poly(Glu-Tyr)4 but also angiotensin 11, lacking an acidic amino acid sequence around the target Tyr residue. Moreover, the phosphorylation of these two substrates exhibits a different pH dependence and a different response to NaCl and 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate.These results suggest that in intact erythrocytes the cytosolic Tyr-protein kinase might phosphorylate band 3 not only on Tyr-8, surrounded by several acidic side-chains (as demonstrated preferentially to occur in isolated ghosts), but also on other Tyr residues surrounded by other amino acid sequences.The multifunctional transmembrane band 3 protein (95 kDa) of human erythrocytes has been found to be endogenously phosphorylated not only on serine/threonine residues [l] but also on tyrosine residues [2].Up to now attention has been focused on the characterization of human erythrocyte Tyr-protein kinase(s) associated with membrane structures [3 -71.The present research has been undertaken to characterize the endogenous Tyr-protein kinase(s) located in the cytosol and presumably involved in the Tyr phosphorylation of band 3, taking into account the fact that the endogenous phosphorylation of this transmembrane protein has been found [2] to occur preferentially on its NH,-terminal region (23 kDa). Since this region protrudes from the membrane bilayer into the cytoplasm, it is expected to be accessible to the cytosolic protein kinases.On the other hand, human erythrocyte P-Tyr-protein phosphatase(s), dephosphorylating band 3 P-tyrosine residues, has been found to be located predominantly in the cytosol [8, 91.The results reported here indicate that cytosolic Tyr-protein kinase(s), and P-Tyr-protein phosphatase(s), involved in the Tyr phosphorylation state of band 3 protein, do not exhibit the same substrate specificity. That is, the Tyr-protein kinase(s) described here is able markedly to phosphorylate not only the very acidic random copolymer poly(Glu-Tyr)4: 1 but also angiotensin 11, lacking acidic amino acid sequences around the target Tyr residue. By contrast, the P-Tyr-protein
MATERIALS AND METHODSHuman erythrocytes (9 ml packed cells), free of leucocytes and platelets, were prepared from venous blood (45 ml) (freshly collected from healthy donors), according to Beutler et al. [lo]. Thereafter they were washed once in isotonic phosphate buffer pH 8 and lysed in hypotonic ( 5 mM) phosphate buffer pH 8 according to Dodge et al. [Ill, except that the solutions contained 0.05 mM phenylmethylsulphonyl...