β-hydroxybutyric acid is the most sensitive indicator in ketoacidosis detection, and accounts for nearly 78% of the ketone bodies. Diaphorase is commonly used to detect the β-hydroxybutyric acid in clinical diagnosis. However, the extraction of diaphorase from animal myocardium is complex and low-yield, which is not convenient for large-scale production. In this study, a diaphorase from Geobacillus sp. Y4.1MC1 was e ciently heterologous expressed and puri ed in E. coli a yield of 110 mg/L culture. The optimal temperature and pH of this recombinant diaphorase (rDIA) were 55 °C and 6.5, respectively. It was proved that rDIA was a dual acid-and thermo-stable enzyme, and which showed much more accurate detection of β-hydroxybutyric acid than the commercial enzyme. Additionally, we also investigated the molecular interaction of rDIA with the substrate, and the conformation transition in different pH values by using homology modeling and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The results showed that 141-161 domain of rDIA played important role in the structure changes and conformations transmission at different pH values. Moreover, it was predicted that F105W, F105R and M186R mutants were able to improve the binding a nity of rDIA, and A2Y, P35F, Q36D, N210L, F211Y mutants were bene t for the stability of rDIA.