We use a newly developed cascade model of turbulent concentration of particles in protoplanetary nebulae to calculate several properties of interest to the formation of primitive planetesimals and to the meteorite record. The model follows, and corrects, calculations of the primary planetesimal Initial Mass Function (IMF) by Cuzzi et al. (2010), in which an incorrect cascade model was used. Here we use the model of Hartlep et al. ( 2017), which has been validated against several published numerical simulations of particle concentration in turbulence. We find that, for a range of nebula and particle properties, planetesimals may be "born big", formed as sandpiles with diameters in the 10 − 100 km range, directly from freely floating particles. The IMFs have a modal nature, with a well-defined peak rather than a powerlaw size dependence. Predictions for the inner and outer nebula behave similarly in these regards, and observations of inner and outer nebula primitive bodies support such modal IMFs. Also, we present predictions of local particle concentrations on several lengthscales in which particles "commonly" find themselves, which have significance for meteoritical observations of the redox state and isotopic fractionation in regions of chondrule formation. An important difference between these results, and those of Cuzzi et al. (2010), is that particle growth-by-sticking must proceed to at least the 1−few cm radius range for the IMF and meteoritical properties to be most plausibly satisfied. That is, as far as the inner nebula goes, the predominant "particles" must be aggregates of chondrules (or chondrule-size precursors) rather than individual chondrules themselves.