“…DNA was extracted from two pieces of infected tissue per host type (duplicate DNA samples) using the DNeasy ® Tissue Kit protocol for animal tissues (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). The PCR primers used were the forward primers Erib1, MarF1 and MyxF2, and the reverse primer Myxgen4r (Barta et al 1997, Kent et al 2000, Nylund et al 2005, Køie et al 2007a) with the addition of two new reverse primers MybiR (5'AAT TTC ACC TCT CGC GGC AA) and RosR2 (5'ATC CTT CCG CAG GTT CAC CTA CGG). The PCR amplifications were performed in a total volume of 50 µl using 2 µl of template DNA and a reaction mixture consisting of 5 µl 10 × PCR buffer (NE Biolabs), 5 µl 10 mM dNTP, 2 µl (10 mM) of the reverse and forward primer, 2 U of thermostable DNA polymerase (Qiagen) and 34 µl dH 2 O.…”