The study of artificial intelligence techniques quickly moved to computer games, a sector in which they are of enormous practical utility. Artificial intelligence has advanced significantly in the last five decades. The concept of intelligent agents provides a crucial theoretical framework to compare numerous diverse methods to the smart, logical conduct of computer-controlled characters in games. Computer games represent one of the best environments for artificial intelligence research as they are typically designed to be played multiple times by many players and can thus be studied. Furthermore, advances in computer hardware have allowed game developers to create increasingly complex and engaging games that have forced computer scientists to produce even more creative solutions to complex problems.Artificial intelligence techniques are often used to make computer games more exciting and entertaining by providing the designers with the tools they need to create interactive characters capable of responding to the player's actions. We can achieve behavior that resembles that of a human player, which is also preferred in games, by combining rationality with some restrictions on our agents' skills. In addition, we can simulate behaviors observed in humans during social interaction between individuals or groups. In this paper we interpret, analyze, and bring a simple case study for using intelligent agents for computer games. From an interpretative literature review and a case study approach, we concluded that intelligent agents could improve the gameplay experience, gain insight into Artificial Intelligence behavior, and increase game difficulty.