The article presents the results of the study of the peculiarities of the respiratory system functioning in unfavorable environmental conditions in workers involved in industrial production and agrarian sector, taking into account the type of constitution of their bodies. Investigation of the influence of the complex of anthropogenic factors associated with production on the parameters of the respiratory system revealed a significant level of interconnection of the investigated parameters with anthropometric indicators.
During the experiment, a significant decrease in the functional lung capacity in the studied subjects involved in industrial production was shown, compared with the control group and workers of argo-industrial production. Such a trend may be evidence of functional violations of tracheobronchial conduction, which is indirectly confirmed by the values of the Tifno index, which is the main method of an objective assessment of respiratory tract imperfections, and which is characterized by significantly lower values in the group of workers involved in industrial production compared with residents relative to environmentally friendly areas.
The analysis of the pneumatachographic survey performed on the basis of the Pignier index revealed some differences in the functional parameters of the respiratory system in the groups of hyposthenics (capacity of the lungs) and hypersthenics (maximum volume velocity of 75 %). In the group of normosthenics, intergroup differences were found for the values of functional lung capacity in comparison with all groups, and for the Tifno index, the reliable difference between the indicators was noted only between the group of industrial workers and the control group.