ABSTRACT. A six-month-old Japanese Black bull was found to have no left testis in the scrotum. A fist-sized mass was palpated per rectum. Two months later, hCG was injected and blood samples were collected before and after injection. No testosterone response to hCG was observed. On the cut surface of the excised mass, most of the mass was composed of homogeneous adipose-like tissue. The rest of the surface was composed of a well-circumscribed testicular parenchyma-like tissue (18 16 15 mm). Histology revealed diffusely distributed mature adipocytes and septa of fibrous connective tissue. Neither germ cells nor spermatozoa were observed in the seminiferous tubules. A diagnosis was made of fibrolipoma and aspermatogenesis of the left cryptorchid testis.KEY WORDS: cattle, cryptorchidism, fibrolipoma, testosterone concentrations.J. Vet. Med. Sci. 73(9): 1253-1255, 2011 Cryptorchidism is rare in cattle in comparison with other domestic animal species such as horses, dogs and pigs [1,20], and testicular neoplasia in cattle has been seldom described [6]. This short communication describes a case of bovine testicular fibrolipoma in a young bull with unilateral cryptorchidism.A six-month-old Japanese Black bull, from which a normal right testis had been removed, was found to have no left testis in the scrotum. On rectal examination, a mass of approximately 10 10 8 cm was palpated to the left of the bladder. No other clinical signs were observed and the animal had a normal appetite.When the bull was eight months old, plasma testosterone concentrations were measured. Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG; 3000 IU) was injected intramuscularly. Peripheral blood samples were collected five minutes before (D0), three days after (D3) and five days after (D5) injection. Plasma testosterone concentrations, determined by chemiluminescence immunoassay (Architect analyser i2000, Abbott Japan Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan), were 422, 468 and 363 pg/ml on D0, D3 and D5, respectively.At nine months old, the bull was hospitalised. Transrectal ultrasonography of the mass was performed using Bmode equipment (LogiqBook XP, General Electric Company, Fairfield, CT, U.S.A.) and a linear 8.0 MHz transd u c e r ( T 7 3 9 -R S , G e n e r a l E l e c t r i c C o m p a n y ) . Ultrasonography depicted a structure with a loss of homogenous echogenicity consistent with testicular parenchyma, and loss of the hyperechoic line of the mediastinum testis and with multiple hyperechoic areas. On rectal palpation, no abnormalities were detected in the internal accessory sex glands and other organs in the abdominal cavities.Laparotomy was performed through a left paramedian incision to excise the mass. The mass (10.5 × 9.5 × 7.0 cm, 415 g) had an elastic texture and was enclosed by a smooth, glistening, vascular capsule (Fig 1a). On the cut surface, most of the interior of the mass was milky-white and composed of homogeneous adipose-like tissue. The rest of the surface was composed of a well-circumscribed testicular parenchyma-like tissue, measuring 18 × 16...