Growing fish in closed water supply installations with a high planting density leads to accumulation of waste products, turning the habitat into toxic. Growing fish in such an environment leads to stress and increases the stress on their liver, which provides the body with detoxification of metabolites. To reduce stress, adaptogens are used, which increase endurance and survival, increase adaptive plasticity, and strengthen the immunity of fish. We used an adaptogen called Trekrezan. The work aim was to study the morphofunctional changes in liver and its microarchitectonics in African catfish grown using Trekrezan. The analysis of morphofunctional changes in liver allows us to judge the general physiological state of fish body. The liver index of African catfish grown without the use of Trekrezan is significantly higher in both males and females, compared to African catfish grown with Trekrezan, which indicates an intensification of metabolism. Analysis of histological structure of African catfish liver (Clarias gariepinus), grown without the use of the Ttrekrezan, revealed abnormalities of the parenchymal layer of liver with signs of fatty dystrophy, signs of necrotic changes in liver cells, hemorrhages in vascular region, a violation of polarity in the structure of hepatocytes. In species raised in an environment with Trekrezan, these abnormalities are absent, since Trekrezan, due to the activation of cellular and humoral immunity, leads to decrease in intoxication, provides strengthening of immunity, and increases the body's resistance to unfavorable factors of medium.