Medicine. Vol. 2, No. 3, 2013, pp. 87-91. doi: 10.11648/j.sjcm.20130203.15 Abstract: Critical condition, developing in patients with burns during the burn shock more often produce the development of nonspecific reactions in the body, manifested as the system or the organ insufficiency and are determined by the term «syndrome of poly organ insufficiency» (SPOI). The course and treatment of 189 patients with burn shock have been analyzed. With the purpose of investigation all patients with burn shock were subdivided into 2 groups: The first (control) group included 79 patients (23 children, 56 adults) and was treated according to traditional antishock infusion-transfusion therapy without inotropic therapy. The second (basic) group included 110 patients (33 children, 77 adults) with burn shock and underwent a complex, antishock infusion-transfusion therapy with employment of inotropic and organoprotective therapy depending on dysfunction of vitals and systems. All patients with burn shock underwent general clinical examinations of: cardiovascular and respiratory systems, functions of the lever, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract for revealing of polyorgan insufficiency (POI). The victims of burns -material prove high spread POI in patients with burns, that requires complex, purposeful conservative (local and general) and surgical treatment for its reduction and prevention of unfavorable results.