1Background-Cardiovascular complications during and soon after pregnancy present an 2 opportunity to assess risk for subsequent cardiovascular disease. We sought to determine 3 whether peripartum cardiomyopathy and hypertensive disorder of pregnancy subtypes predict 4 future myocardial infarction, heart failure, or stroke independent of one another and independent 5 of other risks like gestational diabetes, preterm birth, and intrauterine growth restriction. 6Methods and Results-The California Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project database was 7 used to identify all hospitalized pregnancies from 2005-2009, with follow-up through 2011, for a 8 retrospective cohort study. Pregnancies, exposures, covariates and outcomes were defined by 9 ICD-9 codes. Among 1.6 million pregnancies (mean age 28y; median follow-up time to event 10 2.7y), 558 cases of peripartum cardiomyopathy, 123,603 cases of hypertensive disorders of 11 pregnancy, 107,636 cases of gestational diabetes, 116,768 preterm births, and 23,504 cases of 12 intrauterine growth restriction were observed. Using multivariable Cox proportional hazards 13 models, peripartum cardiomyopathy was independently associated with a 13.0-fold increase in 14 myocardial infarction [95%CI, 4.1-40.9], a 39.2-fold increase in heart failure [95%CI, 30.0-15 51.9], and a 7.7-fold increase in stroke [95%CI, 2.4-24.0]. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy 16 were associated with a 1.4 [95%CI, 1.0-2.0] to 7.6 [95%CI, 5.4-10.7] fold higher risk of 17 myocardial infarction, heart failure, and stroke. Gestational diabetes, preterm birth, and 18 intrauterine growth restriction had more modest associations with CVD. 19Conclusions-These findings support close monitoring of women with cardiovascular 20 pregnancy complications for prevention of early subsequent cardiovascular events and further 21 study of mechanisms underlying their development.Key Words: peripartum cardiomyopathy, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, cardiovascular 1 disease, women 2