Current tools for self-management of chronic obstructive respiratory diseases (CORD) are difficult to use, not individualized and requiring laborious analysis by health professionals, discouraging their use in healthcare. There is an opportunity for cost-effective and easy-to-disseminate advanced technological solutions directed to patients and attractive to different stakeholders. The strategy of AIRDOC is to develop and integrate self-monitoring and self-managing tools, making use of the smartphone's presence in everyday life. AIRDOC intends to innovate on: i) technologies for remote monitoring of respiratory function and computerized lung auscultation; ii) coaching solutions, integrating psychoeducation, gamification and disease management support systems; and iii) management of personal health data, focusing on security, privacy and interoperability. It is expected that AIRDOC results will contribute for the innovation in CORD healthcare, with increased patient involvement and empowerment while providing quality prospective information for better clinical decisions, allowing more efficient and sustainable healthcare delivery.