Vanished evaporites are well documented in the geological record, but many may go unrecognized because of a lack of obvious field or petrographic evidence, particularly in carbonates deposited in restricted settings where bacterial sulphate reduction (BSR) was active. An early stage in evaporite replacement by carbonates may be observed in modern salterns in Eilat, where gypsum crusts are colonized by stratified, endoevaporitic, microbial communities including sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Here, BSR can be associated with gypsum dissolution and replacive carbonate formation. Rapid consumption of aqueous sulphate by SRB is illustrated in the ephemeral Coorong lakes of South Australia, where extremely high concentrations are completely removed by intense BSR during evaporation, so that no solid sulphate precipitates. Here, carbonates form as the consequence of mediation of ambient waters by BSR, with sedimentary pyrite providing the only indication of the former presence of dissolved sulphate in the lake waters.Pyrite patches in the patterned dolomite facies of the largely evaporitic Jurassic Arab Formation have been interpreted as 'birds eyes' or fenestrae, but show no signs of visible porosity. A hostile environment mitigates against their interpretation as burrows, although some form of root pseudomorph is not ruled out. However, it is possible that the pyrite is related to BSR operating in a hypersaline, microbially-dominated environment in which solid sulphate removal and sulphide formation is followed by dolomite formation.Field, petrographic, and stable-isotopic evidence from bedded strata and thin sections of the Neoarchaean Gamohaan and Kogelbeen carbonate formations of South Africa argue for the former existence of evaporites, and suggest deposition in mainly shallow subtidal and marine sabkha environments. On the macroscale, cross-stratified grainstones showing multiple directions of sediment transport, together with abundant microbialites and rare, well-preserved cyanobacterial fossils, indicate shallow-water deposition and microbial growth in the photic zone. Large tepee-like fold structures, intrastratal karst, pseudomorphs after evaporites, replacive calcite after selenite, solution collapse breccias, autobrecciation, corrosion surfaces, nucleation cones, irregular bedding contacts and flowage structures are all indicative of evaporites, their dissolution and their replacement by carbonate.Evaporite replacement in the Neoarchaean carbonates was largely fabric destructive, leaving few obvious clues at the microscale to the former presence of vanished evaporites. Nonetheless, diagenetic recrystallization, deformation, disruption, and crosscutting relationships point to their previous existence, and the occurrence of lengthslow chalcedony in silicified stromatolite heads may suggest the former presence of sulphates. Fold shapes indicative of enterolithic gypsum, picked out by trails of degraded organic matter and dolomitized clusters of folded filaments preserved within replacive calcite, are eviden...