“…aegypti immatures is that they can differ dramatically between local areas. This has been demonstrated in a series of multicountry studies (Focks and Alexander 2006, Tun-Lin et al 2009, Arunachalam et al 2010 and also is evident when comparing the results of studies focusing on individual geographical areas (Moore et al 1978;Winch et al 1992;Kittayapong and Strickman 1993;Focks and Chadee 1997;Danis-Lozano et al 2002;Pinheiro and Tadei 2002;Arredondo-Jimenez and Valdez-Delgado 2006;Barrera et al 2006Barrera et al , 2008Bisset et al 2006;Lenhart et al 2006;Midega et al 2006;Morrison et al 2004Morrison et al , 2006Romero-Vivas et al 2006;Chadee et al 2007Chadee et al , 2009Hammond et al 2007;Koenraadt et al 2007;Maciel-de-Freitas et al 2007; Barbazan et al 2008;Manrique-Saide et al 2008;Troyo et al 2008;David et al 2009;Garelli et al 2009;Lambdin et al 2009;Tsuzuki et al 2009;Kamgang et al 2010). Furthermore, the most productive container types can change over the year, especially in settings with dry and wet seasons where the importance of containers Þlled by rain, relative to those Þlled by human action, may vary over the year in response to the seasonal rainfall patterns (Pinheiro and Tadei 2002, Lenhart et al 2006, RomeroVivas et al 2006, Maciel-de-Freitas et al 2007…”