The SIRIO (Scanning InfraRed Interferometer) interferometer [1], recently disassembled together with the FTU (Frascati Tokamak Upgrade) experiment [2], worked continuously from 2004 to 2019.
An extremely important contribution was made in all the experiments conducted on this tokamak. By virtue of its characteristics, in terms of spatial (1 cm) and temporal resolution (density profiles every 62 μs), combined with its capability to scan the entire plasma column. This interferometer produced all the density feedbacks for operations. Above all, it collected accurate density measurements in plasma physics, among the best data of all tokamak interferometers.
In this review, it is reported the highly valuable experimental work of this powerful diagnostics. Indeed, high density observations were analyzed, as well as fast variations were measured; some examples: the detection of plasma instabilities (MARFE), the trace and the speed of the pellets, the measurement of the particle transport efficiencies in important transients etc.
In order to improve the knowledge for future interferometry in plasma density measurements projects, some topics related to data analysis are also exposed, as well as local density reconstruction methods.