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AbstractEffect of low SO2-concentrations on tbe activities of some glycosidases in the foliage of clonal forest trees. The aim was to find .in early indicator of latent: SO2 injuries in a beeeh and a spruce clone. After exposure to 0.0, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 ppm for several weeks in outdoor fumigation chambers, the activities of (i-glucosidase in the beech and ("i-galactosidase in the spruce clone and P-l,3-glucanase in both species were significantly raised. As the beech clone was very sensitive to SO2, an indication of latent injury could be ascertained only in the 0.05 ppm treatment where tbe rise of the f5-glucosidase activity appeared some days before necroses. Contrary to beecb, the spruce clone was tolerant to all SO2-treatments and the enxymatical changes could be used as early indicators of latent injuries.