The results of the study of drought resistance of 4 cultivars Prunus armeniaca Lam bred in the Nikitsky Botanical Gardens are presented. The dynamics of indicators of the water regime of leaves, the content of photosynthetic pigments and phenolic compounds in them has been studied. As a result of the research, information was obtained on the physiological and biochemical characteristics of apricot against the background of adaptation to stressful conditions created by moisture deficit during the summer drought on the Southern Coast of the Crimea. Significant differences were revealed in the ability to retain moisture during wilting, the ability to restore tissue turgor after critical dehydration, the concentration of chlorophylls and phenolic substances in the cultivars of different resistance to water stress. The promising drought-resistant genotypes 'Professor Smykov' and 'Kazachok' have been identified, demonstrating a relatively high level of water-retaining forces of leaf tissues and reparation of the leaf surface area.