This study was conducted to evaluate soil morphological and hydrologic variables by factor analysis in a paddy field (Gypsic Ustorthent) and grassland (Typic Ustifluvents) in Kızılırmak county of Çankırı province in central Anatolia of Turkey. Fifty undisturbed soil samples were taken from the paddy field and seventy from the grassland with plastic soil samplers. Disturbed soil samples were taken from the same points for basic soil analyses. Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) was measured on soil columns using a hydraulic conductivity set with a constant-head permeameter. Following the Ks measurements, soil columns were covered to prevent evaporation. When the water flow through the columns was stopped, samplings were taken for bulk density and penetration resistance was measured. Then the soils were removed, the morphological properties were defined and quantified with the help of standard soil description charts. Soil parametric and morphological properties were evaluated by factor analysis. Five factors (Hydropedology, Silt and soil chemistry, Root, pH and mottles, Aggregation) described 80.00% of the total variation in the paddy soils and six factors (Hydropedology, Silt and soil chemistry, Root, pH and mottles, Color and soil chemistry, Aggregation) defined 84.41% of the total variation in the grassland soils. The use of soil morphological variables along with parametric variables was found promising in understanding interlinkages between pedology and hydrology.