The development of distributed energy resources, such as rooftop photovoltaic (PV) panels, batteries, electric vehicles (EVs), and flexible loads, is shifting our power systems operation from a centralized manner to a decentralized manner, where local energy exchanges are empowered by transactive energy markets. Transactive energy contributes to building a low-carbon energy system by better matching the distributed renewable sources and demand. Effective market mechanisms are the key part of transactive energy design. Despite the fruitful research on related topics, there are some practical challenges remain to be addressed. This review surveys three practical issues particularly related to the information exchange in transactive energy, i.e., asynchronouscomputing, truthful-reporting, and privacy-preserving. We summarize the state-of-theart results and introduce relevant theories from multi-disciplinary. Based on these, we point out some possible research directions, which may provide some insights for future study.