sumer n at the scheduling time t (kW). d matched n,t Matched electricity demand of the prosumer n at the scheduling time t (kW). d ts n,t Heating power charged to the thermal energy storage of the prosumer n at the scheduling time t (kW). d unmatched n,t Unmatched electricity demand of the prosumer n at the scheduling time t (kW). id i Address of the account of the seller i. id j Address of the account of the buyer j. p i Amount of the supplied electricity of the seller i (kW). p j Amount of the electricity demand of the buyer j (kW). p p2p n,m,t power exchange between the prosumer n and prosumer m at the scheduling time t (kW). p matched n,t Matched electricity supply of the prosumer n at the scheduling time t (kW). p p2r n,t Power export from the prosumer n to a retailer at the scheduling time t (kW). p r2p n,t Power import from a retailer to the prosumer n at the scheduling time t (kW). p unmatched n,t Unmatched electricity supply of the prosumer n at the scheduling time t (kW). q hp n,t Heating power supplied by the heat pump of the prosumer n at the scheduling time t (kW). q ts n,t Heating power discharged from the thermal energy storage of the prosumer n at the scheduling time t (kW). s ts n,t Stored thermal energy of the prosumer n at the scheduling time t (kWh). t i Start time of the supplied electricity of the seller i. t j Start time of the electricity demand of the buyer j.