Inclusive education is one way of realizing equality in education regardless of physical and social background. Inclusive education embodies equal education without discrimination and unites children with special needs with other normal children. Inclusive education is one way to achieve social justice in education. Social justice focuses on the human condition, similarities, and differences, avoiding discrimination and forms of oppression. Social justice in the context of inclusive education refers to the educational process in which the system, policy, curriculum, and learning center are centered on children who have different backgrounds to always understand each other and respect one another. Children with special needs can be on par with normal children to get the right to education. This paper is focused on knowing inclusive education that has been implemented in Indonesia to realize social justice in the field of education in Indonesia. This is in accordance with the mandate of Law No. 4 of 1997 concerning the protection of children with disabilities, UU No. 23 of 2002 articles 48 and 49 concerning child protection, and UU NO. 20 of 2003 relating to the right of every citizen to receive the same education. In the future, it is expected that inclusive education in accordance with the concepts and implementation can provide justice for the whole community to get an education.