Persiapan menghadapi persaingan dunia kerja penting bagi mahasiswa, salah satunya melalui magang kerja industri berbasis CoE MBKM. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah implementasi magang industri di orchid nursery sebagai upaya peningkatan kualitas mahasiswa menghadapi persaingan dunia kerja. Metode yang digunakan adalah praktik langsung, yang dilakukan oleh tim pengabdian bersama dengan mitra, yaitu mahasiswa magang dan pemilik orchid nursery. Terdapat 4 orang mahasiswa yang menjadi mitra sekaligus pelaksana lapangan. Sementara mitra pembudidaya anggrek yang merupakan representasi dari DUDI adalah owner DD’ Orchid Nursery dan seorang staf yang bertugas. Kegiatan ini dipusatkan di DD’ Orchid Nursery, selama 10 bulan. Kegiatan berjalan 100% yang diwujudkan dengan kegiatan berupa inisiasi Kerjasama dengan DUDI, penyepakatan MoU, dan penyelesaian modul, rekrutmen mahasiswa yang akan magang, pelaksanaan magang, monitoring evaluasi, pelaporan, dan publikasi program. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan pengabdian telah berjalan sesuai dengan target. Kegiatan ini perlu diperpanjang, berupa menjadikan DD’ Orchid Nurcery salah satu mitra untuk lokasi sekolah unggulan anggrek Prodi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UMM.
Industrial Internship at Orchid Nursery as an Effort to Improve Student Quality in the Face of Workplace Competition
Preparation for the competitive world of work is important for students, one of which is through MBKM-based industrial internships. The purpose of this service is the implementation of industrial internships at the orchid nursery as an effort to improve the quality of students facing the competition in the world of work. The method used is direct practice, which is carried out by the service team together with partners, namely interns and orchid nursery owners. There are 4 students who are partners as well as field implementers. Meanwhile, the orchid cultivator partners who represent DUDI are the owner of DD' Orchid Nursery and a staff member on duty. This activity is centered at DD' Orchid Nursery, for 10 months. Activities run 100% which are manifested by activities in the form of initiation of Cooperation with DUDI, agreement of MoU, and completion of modules, recruitment of students who will do internships, implementation of internships, monitoring evaluations, reporting, and publication of programs. It can be concluded that the service activities have been running according to the target. This activity needs to be extended, in the form of making DD' Orchid Nurcery one of the partners for the location of the flagship orchid school for the Biology Education Study Program, FKIP UMM.