Wadi is a traditional fishery product in Indonesia. Development of traditional products must continue to be carried out so that the products remain well known by the Indonesian people. The purpose of this article is to review the development of wadi products that have been carried out both on a research and commercial scale which have been carried out by the community on raw materials, processes, products and even marketing activities. The method used is a literature review study, which is a study that analyzes data contained in literature selected from several sources so that it becomes a conclusion and becomes a new idea. The journals used in this study are journals that discuss topics with the keywords, namely: wadi. Searching for articles in journals used sciencedirect quantitative Google Scholar. Based on the results of the study above, it can be concluded that the traditional fermented fish product, namely wadi, has undergone a lot of product development or diversification starting from the raw materials used, the processes carried out, packaging and product marketing. Development of raw materials is the use of various types of freshwater fish used. The process development carried out is controlling the process by using other additional ingredients such