The partner of this social service activity is the Muhammadiyah 11 JuniorHigh School Special Program as part of the residents in the preaching area ofthe Muhammadiyah Branch Management (PCM) of Nogosari, BoyolaliRegency. Regarding electrical installation, the problem faced by partners isthat many students are still unfamiliar with electrical installation especiallyon technical specifications. The objective of this social service is to increasethe knowledge and skills of students in electrical installation. The method ofimplementing the service is in the form of socialization and training in 3meetings with material including the basics of electrical installation, KWHmeter readings, knowledge of cables and connections, electrical installationequipment, and the use of equipment in electrical installations. Theeffectiveness of the activities was evaluated by conducting pre-tests, posttestsanddirectobservationsontrainingparticipants.Theevaluationresults
increases to 5-13 questions during the post-test, the skills andmotivation of the participants in the field of electrical installation. However,further training activities are still needed with more in-depth materials and alonger duration.