Abstract. Astikasari L, Indriyani S, Muryanto BS, Al Madani AR, Muhammad F, Putri A, Hartanti AN, Afifah RN, Zuaini PAK, Rezapratama MS, Negari SIT, Sunarto, Kususmaningrum L, Kurniawati I, Budiharta S, Flores AB, Setyawan AD. 2023. Analysis of ecotourism development as a mangrove conservation effort in Pasir Kadilangu and Jembatan Api-Api, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Indo Pac J Ocean Life 7: 125-132. Mangrove forests play an important role as a protector of coastal areas from abrasion and tsunamis while providing economic benefits for the surrounding communities. One management option for mangrove forests is through the development of mangrove-based ecotourism that combines the conservation and sustainable utilization of mangrove ecosystems. This study aimed to analyze the mangrove conservation efforts and ecotourism development at Pasir Kadilangu and Jembatan Api-Api, around Bogowonto River, located in Jangkaran Village, Temon Sub-district, Kulon Progo District, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The study was conducted in November 2022. Primary data was collected through semi-structured observations and interviews using snowball sampling to 100 respondents consisting of 50 respondents at Pasir Kadilangu Beach and 50 respondents at the Jembatan Api-Api, while secondary data were collected through a literature review related to the research being carried out. The results show that efforts to protect and preserve mangrove forests include beach cleaning, greening, and improving the condition of the surrounding environment. The local community utilizes the mangrove forests by selling mangrove products and souvenirs, ticketing, parking, and tour guiding. Most of the community agrees to develop an ecotourism area at Pasir Kadilangu Beach and Jembatan Api-Api Mangrove to protect and preserve mangrove forests while utilizing ecotourism.