AbstrakTerjadinya pandemi virus covid-19 menyebabkan peran keluarga semakin penting dalam rangka mencegah penularan pandemi Covid-19. Keluarga menjadi harapan untuk pencegahan pandemi covid dengan tetap berada di rumah, membimbing anak untuk tetap belajar di rumah. Oleh sebab itu team PKM UPI YPTK pun mencoba menawarkan solusi kepada keluarga Pra sejahtera untuk mencari solusi lain dalam rangka mendapatkan pemasukan tambahan walau tetap berada di rumah. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan mulai dari identifikasi mitra, kesepakatan penentuan objek pelatihan, pelatihan dan pendampingan, dan evaluasi bersama. Hasil yang didapatkan dari kegiatan tersebut adanya pemahaman, dan motivasi untuk memanfaatkan Ekonomi Kreatif bagi keluarga Pra Sejahtera sebagai kegiatan tambahan dalam mendapatkan pemasukan tambahan bagi keluarga. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan pengabdian tersebut diantaranya (1)Semua peserta bersemangat untuk mencari tahu kegiatan ekonomi lain, walau tetap berada di rumah (2) Dukungan dari Pemerintah terkait peningkatan ekonomi kreatif bagi keluarga Pra sejahtera perlu digalakan agar masyarakat pra sejahtera bisa meningkatkan ekonomi walau dalam keadaaan krisisKata Kunci: Permbedayaan, Keluarga, Produktivitas, Ekonomi Kreatif, UMKM,AbstractThe occurrence of the covid-19 virus pandemic has made the role of the family increasingly important in order to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 pandemic.. Families become hope for the prevention of the Covid pandemic by staying at home, guiding children to keep studying at home. Therefore, the UPI YPTK PKM team also tried to offer a solution to the Pra-prosperous family to find other solutions in order to get additional income even though they were still at home. The method of implementing this service activity is carried out starting from partner identification, agreement on determining training objects, training and mentoring, and joint evaluation. The results obtained from these activities were understanding, knowledge and motivation to take advantage of the Creative Economy for poor families as an additional activity in getting additional income for the family. The conclusions of these service activities include (1) All participants are eager to find out other economic activities, even though they are still at home (2) Support from the Government related to increasing the creative economy for the Pra-prosperous family, it needs to be encouraged so that the pre-prosperous community can improve the economy even in a state of crisisKey Word: Empowerment, Family, Productivity, Creative Economy, UMKM.