The Belgian Blue cattle were imported to Indonesia for increasing beef production. A preliminary study was done to know the birth weight and pre-weaning mortality of BB calves from some recipient dam breed in different altitude. About 86 records of Belgian Blue purebred calves resulted from embrio transfer were used in this study. Data of birth weight were analysed using general linear model with recipient dam breed, altitude and sex of calf as fixed effect. Data of mortality were analysed using chi-square for different altitudeThe birth weight were significantly affected by recipient dam breed and altitude (P<0.05), but not sex of calves (P>0.05). Birth weights were 44.44±1.68 kg, 40.58±2.71 kg, 50.53±1.12 kg, 50.85±1.62 kg and 55.56±1.21 kg for Brahman, Ongole grade, Simental, Limousine and Friesian Holstein (FH) recipient dam, respectively. The birth weights were 43.09±1.46 kg, 51.11±0.92 kg and 54.18±1.29 kg for upland, middleland and lowland areas, respectively. The pre-weaning mortality were affected by altitude (P<0.05). The percentage of mortality were 61.1%, 22.3% and 41.9% for upland, middle land and lowland, respectively. The study concluded birth weight of BB purbred calves were highest in recipient dam of FH. BB calves performed better in middle land and above based on higher birth weight and lower mortality. This result was a preliminary study used as a recommendation in developing Belgian Blue cattle in Indonesia.