INTRODUCTION: Pelvic inammatory disease (PID) comprises a spectrum of inammatory disorders of
the upper female genital tract, including any combination of endometritis, salpingitis, Tubo-ovarian
abscess, and pelvic peritonitis. The CDC has estimated that more than I Million women experience an episode of PID every
year. Studies have reported prevalence ranging from 5.2% to 17.2% PID in various parts of India.
Ultrasound:- TAS was initially used followed by use of TVS with Doppler in diagnosis of PID, although there are no large studies
evaluating its sensitivity and or overall usefulness. Itis a frequentlyordered study in patients with classic symptoms of PID or
who have unexplained, acute pelvic pain.
MATERIAL AND METHODS:A retrospective analysis of medical records of patients with a complaint of lower abdominal pain
was included in the study. Diagnosis of PID was made and patient was followed in the outdoor clinic. Pelvic examination was
made. USG was done. According to symptoms and clinical examination for PID patients, the data was recorded. Medical
record of 120 patients from 1 January 2020 to 31 May 2021 from a private clinic in Dist. Shivpuri were studied.
RESULTS: In our study out of 120 cases, most of the patients 50.83% belonged to 26-30 years of age, a maximum number of
patients were rural 83.33%. Most of the patients were educated below HSC 56.66%. Most of them 85% were married and most of
them were multipara 56.66%.
The most common presenting complaint was a pain in the abdomen (100%), followed by per vaginal discharge (65%), pain in
the lower back (43.33%), abnormal uterine bleeding (40%), dysmenorrhoea (31.66%), dyspareunia (24.16), fever (17.5%) and
On clinical examination abnormal PV discharge was present in 61.66% of cases, xed and retroverted uterus with or without
thickend appendages were found in 55% of cases. Cervical motion tenderness was found in 78.33% of cases. Adnexal
tenderness was found in 80% of cases but adnexal mass was found in 10.83% of cases.
The most common nding on ultrasound scan was uid in the pouch of douglas 48.33%, followed by distal hydrosalphinx
28.33%, endometritis 18.33%, pyosalpinx 15%, TO Mass 13.33% and Pelvic collection in 10.83% of cases.
CONCLUSION:The focus of this study was to identied socio-demographic characteristics of PID, to see the variety of
presenting complaints and pelvic examination ndings and to correlate the clinical ndings with the USG ndings of PID.
Much studies about the sensitivity & specicity of USG are not available, but this is denitely the most frequently ordered
investigation in cases of PID. Transabdominal ndings of 'incomplete septa' 'cog wheel' 'beads on a strings' signs helps in
distinguishing a dilated fallopian tube from other cystic adnexal masses
To prevent long term sequelae PID should be the part of differential diagnosis in all patients aged 15-44 year with non specic
abdominal pain.