Venous disorders are not limited to the extremities. Diseases of the leg veins, such as varicose veins and phlebothrombosis, can also affect the veins of the pelvic organs and the retroperitoneum. At the same time, pelvic and abdominal symptoms can sometimes have a phlebogenic cause. Chronic pelvic congestion syndrome has become widely recognised as a counterpart to chronic venous insufficiency of the leg veins, however the term does not adequately capture the complexity of the disorder, neither anatomically nor functionally.Clinical diagnoses and imaging, especially Duplex sonography of the retroperitoneal veins, prove to be considerably more difficult than in leg veins. In addition, there is a wide variation in the vessels. A profound knowledge of the anatomy of the pelvic and retroperitoneal vessels is needed to accurately interpret the findings. Knowledge of the major stages of embryonic development facilitates one’s understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms.