Abstrak: Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini didasarkan atas tingginya permintaan aneka produk kerajinan berbahan bambu oleh beberapa UMKM yang dihasilkan melalui teknologi alat serut bambu ramah lingkungan bagi peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas produk sehingga berdampak terhadap penciptaan nilai tambah produk oleh kelompok tani oloh aceh tamiang. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan edukatif dan transfer teknologi melalui serangkaian tahapan kegiatan antaranya koordinasi, sosialisasi, pelaksanaan kegiatan, pendampingan serta monitoring dan evaluasi. Seluruh tahapan kegiatan yang dilakukan tercatat melalui lembar pretest dan post test dimana 5 anggota kelompok (33,3%) memahami prinsip kerja alat serut itu, 7 anggota kelompok (46,6%) cukup memahami materi gerakan alat serut bambu, 5 anggota kelompok (33,3%) memahami dengan baik materi teknik pencatatan produk, dan 2 anggota kelompok (13,3%) sangat memahami materi perhitungan neraca laba rugi Disimpulkan bahwa 6 anggota kelompok (40%) mengetahui prosedur penggunaan alat serut bambu, 13 anggota kelompok (86,6%) memahami jenis bambu yang cocok dijadikan aneka produk kerajinan, 10 anggota kelompok (66,6%) sangat mengetahui teknik penghalusan produk bambu, 4 anggota kelompok (26,6%) mengetahui teknik pencatatan buku kas kelompok dan 2 anggota kelompok (13,3%) memahami tatacara pengisian buku penjualan produk. Hasil pendampingan menunjukkan bahwa produk stik bambu mampu menghasilkan pendapatan 50% bagi kelompok tani ini.Abstract: This service to the community is based on the high demand for various bamboo craft products by several MSMEs which are produced using environmentally friendly bamboo planer technology to increase the quality and quantity of products so that they have an impact on the creation of added value for products by oloh farmer group in Aceh Tamiang District. The method used is an educational approach and technology transfer through a series of activity stages including coordination, socialization, implementation of activities, mentoring and monitoring and evaluation. All stages of the activities carried out were recorded through pretest and posttest sheets where 5 group members (33.3%) understood the working principle of the planer, 7 group members (46.6%) quite understood the material on the movement of the bamboo planer, 5 group members (33.3%) understand the product recording techniques well, and 2 group members (13.3%) really understand the profit and loss balance sheet calculation material. It was concluded that 6 group members (40%) knew the procedures for using bamboo planers, 13 group members (86.6%) understand the types of bamboo that are suitable for making various craft products, 10 group members (66.6%) really know the techniques for smoothing bamboo products, 4 group members (26.6%) know the group cash book recording techniques and 2 group members (13.3%) understand the procedures for filling out the product sales book. The results of the assistance show that bamboo stick products are able to generate 50% income for this farmer group.