This study tested the direct impact of variables such as E-trust, E-service quality, and E-customer satisfaction on E-Customer loyalty. The research approach used this study uses quantitative approximations. Data collection techniques through surveys using questionnaires and compiled as many as 100 respondents. Sampling using non-probability techniques is purposeful sampling. The sample selection criteria for this study are (1) Shopee customers who make purchases through Shopee marketplace, (2) use Shopee regularly for the last 1 year (3) are 17 years of age or older, (4) customers have traded at least 2-3x at Shopee and (5) are dominated in the province of Dki Jakarta. The research uses a data analysis technique called Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), with SmartPLS software. E-service quality has a positive impact on E-customer satisfaction, E-trust has a negative impact on e-client satisfaction but E-services quality has no positive influence on the E-Customer loyalty. These results are expected to benefit Shopee's E-commerce to know what can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.