Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the impact of incorporating waste mask fibers into porous asphalt mixtures, focusing on stiffness, fatigue, and creep performance at the optimum asphalt content (OAC).
Theoretical Reference: The study is based on sustainable construction and materials engineering theories, emphasizing the recycling of waste materials to enhance the performance of construction materials and mitigate environmental impacts.
Method: Laboratory experiments were conducted by adding waste mask fibers at varying levels (0%, 1%, 2%, and 3% by weight of asphalt) to the porous asphalt mixtures. Test specimens were designed and evaluated for stability, flow, Marshall Quotient, Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VIM), indirect tensile strength (ITS), stiffness (ITSM), fatigue, and creep performance.
Results and Conclusion: The addition of 1% waste mask fibers at the OAC is recommended as it meets the criteria for stability, flow, Marshall Quotient, and VIM. The Cantabro Test showed enhanced resistance, while the ITS Test indicated increased indirect tensile strength. The ITSM Test revealed heightened stiffness of the mixture. Although fatigue testing demonstrated that the porous asphalt mixture could bear loads until collapse at a certain stress level, the creep test confirmed the mixture's resistance to permanent deformation due to traffic loads.
Implications of research: The findings suggest that incorporating waste mask fibers into asphalt mixtures can improve mechanical properties and durability, offering a sustainable solution for mask waste disposal. This approach can be adopted by policymakers and engineers to enhance road construction practices while addressing environmental concerns.
Originality/value: This study provides novel insights into the recycling of waste mask fibers in asphalt mixtures, demonstrating their potential to improve performance and sustainability in road construction. The research offers a pioneering approach to addressing the environmental challenges.