Abstrak: Kota Sorong memiliki sebuah Pasar Sentral yang setiap harinya memproduksi sampah dari limbah sayuran dan sampah organik lainnya. Sampah ini di tumpuk dulu sementara sebelum di angkut ke tempat pembuangan akhir, sehingga mengganggu keindahan dan kesehatan. Belum banyak yang tahu pemanfaatan sampah menjadi pupuk organik, sehingga perlu dilakukan pelatihan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan membuat pupuk organik berbahan dasar limbah sampah pasar, serta memberi ide berwirausaha di bidang pengolahan sampah. Manfaat Kegiatan diharapkan memberikan solusi permasalahan sampah, membantu pemerintah menciptakan lingkungan hidup yang bersih dan sehat, serta menjawab masalah kelangkaan pupuk di Kota Sorong. Pelatihan dilaksanakan di halaman Sekretariat Kokam Pemuda Muhammadiyah Kota Sorong. Peserta pelatihan sebanyak 40 orang terdiri dari anggota pemuda Muhammadiyah dan perwakilan masyarakat sekitar Pasar Remu. Pelatihan di awali dengan pemberian materi melaui metode ceramah, pemutaran video dan praktikum. Dari hasil Pre-test dan Post-test terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman peserta menjadi 87,52%. Tindak lanjut dari pelatihan ini diharapkan Pemuda Muhammadiyah menjadi Kader Penggerak dan pendamping masyarakat dalam pengolahan sampah di Kota Sorong.Abstract: Sorong City has a Central Market which produces waste every day from vegetable waste and other organic waste. This waste is piled up temporarily before being transported to the final disposal site. This amount of potential waste is useless. The city gets rid the waste and they just decompose without people use it for something beneficial. Unfortunately, only vew people know about the utilization of waste into organic fertilizer, so it is necessary to conduct training aimed at increasing knowledge and skills in making organic fertilizer based on market waste, as well as providing entrepreneurial ideas in the field of waste processing. The Benefits of this activity is expected to provide a solution to the waste problem, help the government create a clean and healthy living environment, and address the problem of fertilizer scarcity in Sorong City. The training was held in the yard of Muhammadiyah Youth Kokam Secretariat, Sorong City. There were 40 training participants consisting of Muhammadiyah youth members and community representatives around Pasar Remu. The training began with the provision of material through the lecture method, video screenings and practicum. From the results of the Pre-test and Post-test there was an increase in the participants' knowledge and understanding to 87.52%. As a follow-up to this training, Muhammadiyah Youth became Community Mobilization Cadres and assistants in waste management in Sorong City.