A Teaching Factory (Tefa) is a concept of learning in actual circumstances to display the potential between the knowledge provided by a campus and industry needs. This study aims at identifying driving and inhibiting factors in the development of the Education Tourism Teaching Factory and to find out the development strategies that need to be implemented to increase its visits. This study deployed a quantitative descriptive design. The subject of the study is Educational Tourism Tefa at Politeknik Negeri Jember which will be developed in several academic support units, such as Food Processing and Packaging, Livestock, and Agricultural Production. The data obtained were identified as related to internal factors and external factors using analysis ranging from Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE), External Factor Evaluation (EFE), Internal External (IE), and Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (SWOT) matrix. The findings of this study based on the SWOT diagram show that Educational Tourism Tefa is in cell V, meaning that it is in the Growth stage. Thus, the growth strategy is designed to pursue growth, in sales, assets, profits, or a combination of the three aspects.