Chicken noodle is a processed food that contains nutrition and tastes delicious and is popular with the public as a popular culinary dish. The potential for the chicken noodle business is very profitable because the selling price is affordable and it is a food that contains carbohydrates, fat, protein, fiber and vitamins. The aim of the training for students is to broaden business knowledge and skills that are useful for motivating the formation of MSMEs, home industries so as to increase income or economic value among the community. The implementation method is using material counseling followed by skills training to product organoleptic testing. The parameters measured were the taste, appearance, aroma of the special chicken noodles which were served complete with the addition of meatballs, somay, chicken, mustard greens, pickled cucumbers. The results of the training activity stated that all students liked and organoleptic tests on the product resulted in the conclusion that 80% liked chicken noodles and 20% really liked it. Liked meatballs 75%, really liked meatballs 25%, liked somay 85%, really liked 15%. So training in processing special chicken noodles can improve skills and motivate students to become entrepreneurs who can increase economic value.