ARTICLE INFONationalism is related to problems related to many people in a nation and country, such as corruption, radicalism, discrimination, and racism in culture. The concept of nationalism, according to experts from different countries, is almost entirely the same, as differences will not make a problem. Especially in Indonesia, the concept of nationalism has a critical position, even entering the realm of education. The Kurikulum Merdeka emphasizes Profil Pelajar Pancasila, who follows all the precepts in their design on the competence of graduates, but whether the five precepts are already in the mapping of the Kurikulum Merdeka needs to be carried out in-depth analysis. This research uses a qualitative approach to the literature study, which analyzes the Kurikulum Merdeka on Profil Pelajar Pancasila. The result is that the third precept, namely "Unity of Indonesia", which has the concept of nationalism, has not yet fully emerged comprehensively. So, it is necessary to map the concept of nationalism related to the material to the strategy, especially on the idea of the third precept, namely "Unity of Indonesia" in all disciplines of study for students.