DOI: 10.37478/abdika.v3i2.2843
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Pendampingan Santri dalam Menghafal Al-Quran dengan Metode Puzzle di LKSA Ar-Ridlo Peterongan Kabupaten Jombang

Abstract: An important issue that requires significant attention is the students at the LKSA ar-Ridlo Orphanage's need for motivation to memorize the Qur'an. After learning the fundamentals of Al-Qur'anic reading, pupils at the LKSA ar-Ridlo Orphanage are taught how to memorize verses using the Puzzle method. Three approaches were frequently used to apply learning methods to infants and adults: practical methods, program implementation, and evaluation. Thirty kids from the LKSA ar-Ridlo Santri orphanage participated in … Show more

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