Praise to the prophet can be one of the means of easy da'wah that can increase the faith of his listeners. In this digital era, almost every human being has a gadget in his hand every day. This can be one of the new da'wah strategies that can expand the area of da'wah by making digital recordings of praises so that they can be heard anytime and anywhere from their respective gadgets. This study will answer which of the two problem formulations are 1. What are the religious moral values contained in the prayer. 2. How to spread the praise of "Sawalat Nabi" to the public. And this da'wah method has been carried out by the residents of the Tanjungsari village. The method used in this study used the interview method with one of the residents of the Tanjungsari village. The results of the research from the praises of the "Salawat Nabi" found that the praises of the "Salawat Nabi" have three meanings of moral value, namely: Reminding the Prophet Muhammad, inviting people to always pray in congregation, and doing good things until the Day of Judgment. Then in its distribution so that it is known to the general public, namely by forming a Sholawat team group and then uploading it on digital media. With a fairly broad scope of da'wah and ease of dissemination, it is necessary to conduct in-depth research on this new da'wah strategy and also to introduce it more broadly about this da'wah strategy.