This study aims to determine informal education in making the Pinisi Boat. This type of research is qualitative research with an ethnographic approach in a case study. The source of data in this research is Mr. Syarifuddin, a Panritalopi. The research instrument is the researcher himself, who is the key to the instrument. The data collection techniques in this research are observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique uses the Spradley model. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it is concluded that informal education in the process of making Pinisi Boats is carried out from an early age to their descendants with the principle of working while learning with two learning models, namely (i) a technical learning model using demonstration, pilot, experimentation, teaching methods. Repetition, habituation, self-employment, and group work (ii) Non-technical learning models include pamali, symbols, meanings, ritual procedures, mantras/prayer. Informal education makes Pinisi boats analogous to the structural form, namely Panritalopi as the principal, Pungkaha as the teacher, and Sawi as the student.